Wednesday, May 23, 2012

And now for something completely different........

You know you've had those days, weeks or even months at work when you've thought how you would stand up in front of your co-workers and boss and announce you were quitting, then you walk out the door then and there.  You have the perfect song playing on the CD player in the background, and you envision how moving your speech is, bringing some to tears, and then everyone gives you a standing ovation! You know you've thought about it.  Come on, yes you have, admit it!

I have always had the perfect scenario playing out in my mind and believe me, I'm going to win an Oscar for this performance!  But reality is something quite different. Two days ago, I submitted my resignation after seven years with my company.  With a week and a half still to go, this isn't turning out like I thought it would.  As I've talked to people and shared with them why I resigned, I've been realizing how important so many of them have been to me and what a positive impact they've had on my life.  I've had the privilege of working with many talented and special people from all over the country that have influenced me professionally and personally.  They've taught me about leadership, modeled integrity, and walked with me through personal loss in their lives and mine. And truthfully, I can't think of another group of people with whom I would have wanted to have in my life at those times.  So to all of my co-workers and colleagues who might be reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Whether you realize it or not, God has blessed me richly for having known you.

The one thing that has brought me to this point, and typing this note tonight, has been realizing that God has been calling me out of my comfort zone. God has been urging me to take some major steps of faith and be obedient to His plan for my life; and I now see this more than anything else.  I realize that God placed me in the company where I've worked all these years so He could allow all of these people impact my life so richly.

And this is why the theme from "Rocky" will not play behind me as I pictured in my head and I will not stand on my desk and wield the Stapler of Justice for the last time. Instead, I will sit quietly and reflect on this tremendous gift I have been given, and be thankful for it. I will savor these last moments with these wonderful people and be comforted that I know God will bless this next chapter.


  1. Dave, I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I gotta say, I know you can reflect on your gifts AND direct the theme from "Rocky" with the Stapler of Justice. You're just that talented. Celebrate what - and who - is good about your current job. Look forward to the goodness that's ahead for you.

  2. Good attitudes, Dave -- you display them, and I am blessed because of you.

  3. Good stuff, Dave! God has good things in store for you guys!
