1. I love you! I love you! I love you! No matter what you do son, I love and I will always love you. No matter what! You can't change this and I won't change this! I am love.
2. You do not belong to fear and sin. You, my child, were created in My image, and I am always good. If there is pain, sorrow, hurt or sin it did not come from Me. So if I am always good, and you were created in My image, then you do not belong to sin, you belong to me. If you do not belong to sin then sin does not define you, only my love defines you.
3. I don't bring pain and death into this world, but that doesn't mean that I won't use it for something better, something monumental. I did not create death, but I can use death to create a bigger and better life than you can imagine.
4. I cannot lie because I am always good. So, if I ask you to trust me, then nothing can happen that won't be good. Nothing.
5. In case you've already forgotten, I love you!
This is what Papa told me this weekend, and if you are quiet and listen really carefully, He's telling you too. If you want to hear part of what Wm Paul Young shared this weekend, you can go to Cornerstone Church's website and listen for yourself. Now go talk to your Papa!